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History of Mexico

Mexico is a country in North America. It has been populated for over 15,000 years, since ancient civilizations. Over the centuries, many different cultures and empires have grown in Mexico, and many cultures have made it their home.

In the 1500s, Spanish explorers arrived in Mexico and started to settle there. They formed the Spanish Empire, and brought their own culture, language, and religion to the area.

In the 1800s, Mexico declared its independence from the Spanish Empire and became its own country. For many years Mexico and the United States have been close allies, but have occasionally had conflicts between them.

Today, Mexico is a vibrant country and one of the most popular vacation destinations in the world. It is a very diverse country with a rich culture, amazing natural beauty and delicious food. Mexico is also home to many ancient sites, such as the Temple of the Sun and Moon in Mexico City.