ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of the Jews in Europe

So, a really long time ago, there were some people called Jews. They came from a place called Israel, which is very far away from Europe. But over time, some Jews moved to Europe for different reasons.

Sometimes, Jews didn't have a very good time in Europe because some people didn't like them or thought they were different. This was called "prejudice." At certain points in time, there were big events called "persecutions" where many Jews were hurt, killed, or forced to leave their homes because of their religion.

For example, in the Middle Ages, Jews were often blamed for bad things that happened (like a disease outbreak or a failed harvest) even though they didn't cause them. This unfair blame led to many Jews being kicked out of their homes or even killed.

There was also a very terrible time called the Holocaust. During World War II, a man named Adolf Hitler and his followers didn't like Jews and wanted to get rid of them. They killed 6 million Jews (and many others as well) in a very cruel and horrific way. This is a very sad part of history.

But it wasn't always bad for Jews in Europe. Sometimes they had really important jobs like being doctors or merchants or artists. There were also times when different groups of people got along well and Jews were able to live peacefully.

Today, there are still many Jews in Europe and they continue to practice their religion and celebrate their culture. It's important to learn about this history so we can understand what happened and try to make the world a better place for everyone.