ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you heard of the ancient people called the Hittites? They lived a long time ago in what is now modern-day Turkey.

Hittitology is the study of these Hittites and their culture. It's like a big puzzle that scientists are trying to solve by looking at all the things the Hittites left behind - like their buildings, tools, and even their writing.

The Hittites were really clever and skilled, and they did some really impressive things. They were able to make big metal weapons like swords and shields, and they even wrote down stories and laws on clay tablets using a special system of writing.

Scientists who study Hittitology are called Hittitologists. They use lots of different tools to help them learn about the Hittites, like archaeology (digging up ancient artifacts) and linguistics (studying old languages).

So basically, Hittitology is a way for us to learn about an ancient group of people who lived a long time ago, and it's really fascinating because we get to learn about all the cool things they did and how they lived their lives.