ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Homosexuality in ancient Rome

In ancient Rome, some people were attracted to people of the same gender, just like some people are attracted to people of the opposite gender today. This is called homosexuality.

In Rome, it was not unusual for men and women to have relationships with people of the same gender. In fact, there were even some famous Romans who were known to have same-sex relationships, like the Emperor Hadrian and his partner Antinous.

However, being openly gay was not generally accepted in ancient Rome. People who were caught engaging in same-sex acts could be punished with fines, imprisonment, or even death.

Despite this, many Romans still pursued same-sex relationships in secret. They would often meet in private places, like bathhouses or taverns, to avoid being seen by others.

It's important to remember that attitudes towards homosexuality have changed a lot since ancient Rome. Today, many countries have laws and protections in place to support LGBTQ+ people and their relationships.