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History of erotic depictions

Have you ever seen a picture or a sculpture that shows people without any clothes on or kissing? These are called erotic depictions. They have been around for a very long time, even back in ancient times when people used to draw on cave walls!

Throughout history, different cultures have had different attitudes towards erotic depictions. In some societies, it was totally normal and even celebrated. For example, in ancient Greece, they had lots of artwork that showed naked people doing all sorts of things. They believed that the human body was a beautiful thing and should be celebrated in art.

However, in other cultures, erotic depictions were seen as shameful or taboo. In the Middle Ages, for example, the Christian church had very strict rules about what was and wasn't allowed in art. They believed that anything sexual was sinful and so artwork often had to be very conservative.

Over time, attitudes towards erotic depictions have changed. In the 20th century, for example, artists like Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali became famous for their erotic paintings. And today, you can even find erotic artwork on the internet!

So, while erotic depictions may not be appropriate for all ages or all cultures, they have been an important part of art history for centuries and continue to be celebrated by many people today.