ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Homosexuality in society

Okay, so love is a feeling that people have for each other. And sometimes, boys like girls and sometimes, girls like boys. But sometimes, boys like boys and girls like girls. We call this homosexuality.

But some people don't think that it's okay for boys to like boys and girls to like girls. They think that love should only be between a boy and a girl. This is because of something called traditions, which are things that people have been doing for a very long time.

But other people think that love is love, no matter who you love. They think that everyone should be able to love who they want to love. This is because of something called equality, which means that everyone should be treated the same.

Now, because people have different opinions about homosexuality, there are laws in some places that say it's okay to be homosexual and laws in other places that say it's not okay. But slowly, more and more places are starting to say that it's okay to be homosexual.

And that's basically what homosexuality in society means. It's about people having different opinions about love and laws saying whether it's okay or not. But no matter what anyone else says, it's important to remember that love is always love.