ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Human timeline

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about the human timeline. Imagine that all the years that have ever passed are like a big long timeline. At the very beginning of this timeline, there were no people, just animals, plants, and other life forms.

But after a really long time, humans began to evolve from other primates like monkeys and apes. This happened a looong time ago, like tens of thousands of years ago. These humans were different from us in a lot of ways, like the way they looked and the way they lived. They didn't have things like smartphones or cars, they had to survive by hunting and gathering food.

As time went on, humans changed and developed new technologies. They learned how to farm and grow their own food, which made it easier to live in one place. This led to the development of bigger communities and civilizations.

Fast forward to more recent times, like a few hundred years ago, and people were starting to explore and settle in different parts of the world. They discovered new lands and interacted with other cultures, sometimes leading to conflicts and sometimes leading to cooperation.

And now, here we are in the present day! Humans have come a long way since the beginning of the timeline, and we continue to innovate and discover new things every day.