ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Human–robot interaction

Human-robot interaction is when people talk, touch or work with a machine that can move or think like a person. Imagine playing with a toy robot. You can tell it what to do and it will move in response. Similarly, when you tell a voice assistant like Siri or Alexa to play your favorite song or turn off the lights, you're interacting with a robot.

Sometimes, human-robot interaction can be more complicated. For example, robots can be used to help people who have difficulty doing things on their own. They can help people walk, talk or even breathe. In these cases, the interaction between human and robot is much more important and complex than simple commands.

When we interact with robots, we need to make sure that they understand us correctly and respond appropriately. We also need to make sure that the robot doesn't accidentally hurt us or damage something nearby. That's why it's important for people who create and design robots to think very carefully about how people will interact with them.

Overall, human-robot interaction is an exciting field that's constantly changing as robots become more advanced and more common in our daily lives. As we continue to interact with robots more often, it will become even more important for us to learn how to communicate with them effectively and safely.