Hybrid Synergy Drive is like a special kind of car engine that has two parts: one part runs on gasoline, and the other part runs on electricity.
The gasoline engine is like a normal car engine, which uses gasoline to create power to move the car forward. The electric part is like a big battery that helps power the car.
When the car starts moving, the gasoline engine starts running automatically. When the car goes faster and needs more power, the electric part kicks in to help out. And when the car slows down or stops, the electric part takes over completely to save gasoline and reduce air pollution.
All of this happens automatically, so you don't have to do anything special to make it work. The car's computer controls everything and makes sure that the engine and electric parts work together perfectly to give you the best possible fuel efficiency and performance.
So with a Hybrid Synergy Drive, you get a car that can go long distances using less gasoline, and is also better for the environment because it produces fewer emissions.