ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hydrogen atom

Okay kiddo, so have you ever seen those cute little bubbles in water that make it feel fizzy? Those bubbles are actually made up of tiny little things called hydrogen atoms.

A hydrogen atom is made up of three things: a teeny tiny positively charged thing called a proton, a teeny tiny negatively charged thing called an electron, and a kinda medium sized thing called a neutron that doesn't have any charge at all.

The proton is at the center of the hydrogen atom, and the electron zooms around it in a really fast circle. Think of the proton as the sun and the electron as a planet orbiting around it.

The reason why the electron doesn't just zoom away into space is because the proton is attracting it towards the center, almost like a magnet. This force that brings the electron towards the proton is called an electric force.

Hydrogen atoms are really special because they are the simplest type of atom that exists. Scientists use hydrogen atoms to try and understand the bigger, more complicated atoms in the universe.

So next time you see those fizzy bubbles, remember that they are made up of these tiny, amazing hydrogen atoms!