ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hydrogen transportation

Alright kiddo, let me tell you about hydrogen transportation.

You know how cars need gas to run, right? Well, some people are trying to use something called hydrogen instead of gas. Hydrogen is a gas that's found in water and other things.

But how do we get the hydrogen into the car? We can't just pour it in like we do with gas. Instead, the hydrogen is stored in a special tank in the car. That tank is called a fuel cell.

When the car needs to move, the hydrogen in the fuel cell reacts with oxygen from the air. This creates a chemical reaction that makes electricity. That electricity powers an electric motor, which makes the car move.

So, we don't need to use gas or diesel anymore. Instead, we use hydrogen and oxygen to make electricity to power the car. This is good for the environment because we're not polluting the air with harmful gases like we do with gas!

But, it's still not easy to use hydrogen. We need special equipment to make it and transport it. Plus, not many gas stations have hydrogen pumps yet, so it's not easy to find a place to fill up your hydrogen car.

So, hydrogen transportation is a cool idea that could help us use clean energy, but it still has some challenges to overcome.