ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so there's a thing called hypermasculinity that some people think is a good way to be a man, but it's actually not very nice or healthy.

Being a man is great and there are all kinds of ways to be a man. Some men might like sports or building things, while others might like art or spending time with family. That's all totally okay!

But hypermasculinity is when some people think that being a man means being tough, aggressive, and never showing any emotions. They might think that other guys who don't act that way are weak, or not real men.

This idea can create a lot of problems. For example, if someone thinks that men shouldn't show emotions, they might not want to talk to anyone about their feelings, even if they're hurt, scared, or sad. This can make them feel very alone.

Also, if someone thinks that being a man means being better than women, or that women should always be submissive and do what men say, that's not very nice or respectful either.

So, it's important to remember that there are all kinds of ways to be a man, and it's okay to be yourself and express your feelings. And also remember that everyone, no matter what their gender, deserves respect and kindness.