ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, let's talk about "imsafe." It's a special word that helps us remember all the different things we need to do to stay safe when we're flying in an airplane.

"Imsafe" stands for a bunch of different categories that pilots and crew members need to check before a flight. Let's break it down:

I stands for illness. That means anyone who is feeling sick or not well shouldn't fly. We want to make sure everyone is healthy and alert when they're on a plane.

M stands for medication. If someone is taking medicine for a health condition, they need to make sure it won't affect their ability to fly safely. Some medicines can make people feel sleepy or dizzy, which wouldn't be good in an airplane!

S stands for stress. If someone is feeling really anxious or upset, they might not be in the best state of mind to fly. We want everyone to be calm and focused during a flight.

A stands for alcohol. It's never safe to have alcohol before or during a flight. Just like with medication, it can affect someone's ability to concentrate and react quickly.

F stands for fatigue. If someone is feeling really tired or hasn't gotten enough sleep, it's not a good idea for them to fly. We want everyone to be alert and focused during a flight.

E stands for eating. It's important to make sure everyone has had a good meal before a flight so they don't get hungry and distracted during the trip.

So, "imsafe" is a way for pilots and crew members to check that everyone is feeling well, taking their medicines safely, not too stressed, sober, well-rested, and well-fed before a flight. That way, we can all have a safe and comfortable trip!