ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

IT network assurance

Imagine that you have a lot of toys and you want to make sure they are safe and working properly. You could ask someone to check all the toys and make sure they are not broken or missing pieces. This way you can feel confident that when you want to play with them, they will be working as they should.

In the same way, companies have a lot of computers and devices that they use to do their work. They also need to make sure that all their devices are working correctly and are safe from hackers or other attacks. This is where IT network assurance comes in.

IT network assurance is when someone checks all the computers and devices in a company's network to make sure they are working properly and that security measures are in place to protect them from harm. They check things like passwords and firewalls to make sure people can't get into the network without permission. They also make sure that all devices are up to date with the latest software updates to fix any bugs or security problems.

This helps companies be confident that when they want to use their computers and devices to get work done, they will work properly and won't be at risk of being hacked or attacked. It's sort of like having a toy checker for your computer toys!