ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Immunomodulator is a big word that means something that helps your body's immune system fight off germs and stay healthy.

Just like how you have an army of soldiers that protect your body from danger, your immune system has a special army called white blood cells. These white blood cells help fight off bad germs (also called pathogens) like viruses and bacteria that can make you sick.

Sometimes, your body needs a little bit of help to fight off these bad germs. This is where an immunomodulator comes in. It helps your white blood cells get stronger and better at fighting off the bad germs.

Think of it like adding more soldiers to your army or giving them better weapons to fight with. This way, your immune system can protect your body from any harm that might come your way.

Overall, an immunomodulator is like a superhero that helps your immune system stay strong and healthy, so you can stay healthy too!