ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Implicate order

The implicate order is a big idea that can be hard to understand, but it basically means that everything in the universe is connected to everything else in ways that are sometimes hidden or hard to see. Imagine a big puzzle with lots of pieces - each piece is just a small part of the puzzle, but when you put them all together, you get the whole picture. In the implicate order, all the pieces of the puzzle are connected and work together to create the full image.

Now, let's imagine that you are playing with some building blocks. You can stack them up to make a tower, and you can take the tower apart to make smaller pieces again. This idea is called the explicate order - things are simple, easy to see and take apart. In contrast, the implicate order is more complex and hidden, like all the connections between the parts that make up the blocks, or the way that the blocks are made in the first place.

Put simply, the implicate order is the idea that everything is connected, even if we can't see how. It's like a giant web of relationships between all the different things in the universe, and it's what makes the world such an interesting and amazing place.