ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


An incantation is like a magic spell that you say out loud to make something happen. It's usually made up of special words that have been used for a long time and are believed to have power.

Think of it like this: when you want to say "abracadabra" to make a rabbit appear from a hat, you are using an incantation. The words help create the magic and bring about the result you want.

People use incantations in all kinds of ways. Some use them to ask for good luck, to ward off evil, or to call for help in times of need. Others use them to cast spells or to communicate with the spiritual world.

In short, incantations are like a special language used to connect with the unseen forces of the world and bring about change. So, when you hear someone chanting or reciting special words, they might just be using an incantation!