ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Indian colony

Okay, so imagine you're playing with your toys and you have a really big toy box. Now, pretend your friend comes over and wants to play with some of your toys too. But, you want to be in charge and keep all the good toys for yourself. So, you make your friend sit in a corner of your playroom and only play with the toys you're okay with them having.

That's kind of what happened in India a long time ago. A group of people called the British came to India and wanted to take control of the country. They wanted to use India's resources for their own benefit and make money. They made an agreement with some powerful Indians that they would let them continue to rule if they agreed to follow the British rules and do what they said.

But, the British didn't really treat the Indians very nicely. They made them work hard, take their resources without paying them fairly, and didn't let them have much say in their own country. It was kind of like the British were playing with all the good toys and giving the Indians just a few to play with.

For a long time, India was considered a colony of Britain. That means the British controlled everything, kind of like when you're playing with your toys and you're in charge. But eventually, the Indians got tired of the British telling them what to do all the time and not treating them well.

So, they started to fight back and demand their own independence. And after a lot of hard work, they eventually succeeded and became their own country. It was kind of like when you finally get to decide which toys you want to play with and share them equally with your friend.