ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Intelligent design movement

Okay kiddo, let me explain to you what intelligent design movement is. So, imagine you are building a toy castle with blocks. You carefully place each block in the right place so that it doesn't fall down. Now think about how living things are put together. Some people believe that it wasn't just by chance that living things were made the way they are. They believe that an intelligent creator or designer made them that way.

Intelligent design movement is a group of people who believe that life is too complex to have just happened randomly. They think that everything around us, like plants, animals, and even humans, were designed by an intelligent being or a creator. They believe that science cannot explain everything, and there must be something more to it.

Scientists who do not agree with this idea say that there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. They say that evolution is the best explanation for how living things came to be, and that it is based on evidence and facts.

So, in the end, the intelligent design movement is a belief that there is evidence of an intelligent creator. But not everyone agrees with this idea, and there is a lot of debate about it among scientists and religious groups.