ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Interactive kiosk

An interactive kiosk is like a big computer that you can touch and use to find information or do things like buy tickets or order food. It's kind of like a really big phone or tablet that you can't take with you.

When you see an interactive kiosk, it looks like a big TV screen standing up on its own with buttons or a touch screen in front of it. You can touch the buttons or screen to make the kiosk do what you want.

Interactive kiosks are often used in public places like malls, airports, and museums to give people information or to let them do things like buy tickets or order food. They can also be used in stores to let people find products and check prices.

Overall, interactive kiosks are cool machines that let you use a computer like a phone that's really big and you can touch it in public places.