ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Standard

An international standard is like a set of rules that people from all around the world agree to follow. Just like how you and your friends might follow the same rules when you play a game together, people from different countries and organizations can agree to a set of rules that will help them work together in the same way.

These standards can be about anything, like how to measure things, how to make sure products are safe, or how to protect the environment. They are created by experts who come together to discuss what should be included in the standard and how it should be written.

Once the standard is agreed upon, it can be used by anyone who wants to follow it. This means that if you buy a product from a different country, you can be confident that it meets the same standards as products made in your own country.

International standards make it easier for people and businesses from different places to work together and communicate, because they are all using the same rules. It also helps ensure that products and services are consistent and safe, no matter where in the world they come from.