ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International relations (1648–1814)

International relations are relationships between different countries and how they interact with each other. This can include how they help each other, how they make decisions together, or how they cooperate. Between 1648 and 1814, many different countries had relationships with one another, often in an effort to gain power and influence. For example, in 1763, Prussia and Austria signed the Treaty of Hubertusburg, ending their long-running conflict and putting in place a new set of boundaries that separated the two countries. In 1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed between France, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Spain, signifying the end of the American Revolution and the recognition of American independence. During this time, other agreements and treaties were made between different countries, allowing them to live and work peacefully in the same area, or even to share resources with each other. International relations during this period set the stage for future alliances and peace agreements.