ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Early modern Europe

Early modern Europe is a time period in history when things were different than they are now. It started in the late 1400s and lasted until the late 1700s. During this time, people in Europe had new ideas and their lives changed a lot.

Before this time, most people just stayed in one place and did what their parents did. But during early modern Europe, people started to travel more and learn new things. They studied science, art, and literature. They also started to question the old ways of doing things and came up with new ideas about how to live.

One big change during this time was the Protestant Reformation. This was when Martin Luther spoke out against some of the teachings of the Catholic Church. This started a movement where people started their own churches and different beliefs were accepted.

Another big change during this time was the rise of powerful nations like England, France, and Spain. They started to explore and take over new lands in the Americas and elsewhere. This led to conflicts and wars between these nations that lasted for years.

During early modern Europe, there were also huge developments in technology, such as the printing press and the steam engine. These inventions made it easier to share information and create things faster.

Overall, early modern Europe was a time of great change and progress. It set the stage for many of the things we have today, like new ideas, technologies, and political systems.