ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Invasions of Afghanistan

Okay kiddo, so do you know what a playground is?

Yes? Great! So imagine the playground is a country called Afghanistan. And there were some people, who we call terrorists, that did some really bad things on September 11th 2001.

So the United States, along with some other countries, decided they needed to stop the terrorists from doing more bad things.

But the terrorists were hiding in Afghanistan like a game of hide and seek. So the US and its friends decided to go in and try to find them.

They called it an invasion, which means they went into Afghanistan and tried to take control of the area where the terrorists were hiding. This was back in 2001, and the war lasted for a long, long time, until recently.

They did lots of fighting, and tried to stop the terrorists from doing more bad things. But it was a really hard game of hide and seek because the terrorists had lots of places to hide in the country.

Lots of people got hurt, and it was really sad. It's all over now, but it was a really big deal for a long time.