ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


So kiddo, do you know what an ion is? It's a tiny, tiny piece of an atom that has a positive or negative charge. Now, scientists have come up with a really cool idea for making something fly without using any propellers or engines. It's called an ionocraft!

An ionocraft works by creating a bunch of negative ions, kind of like a cloud of really small magnets with the same negative charge. When the ions are created, they stick to positively charged surfaces, like the underside of a metal frame. This creates a push, or thrust, that lifts the ionocraft into the air.

The really neat thing is that you don't need any fuel or heavy machinery to make an ionocraft work. All you need is some wires, a power source, and a little bit of creativity. Some scientists even use high voltage to create the negative ions and make their ionocrafts fly.

But there's a catch, kiddo. Ionocrafts can only fly a short distance and can't carry heavy loads. They're great for experiments and demonstrations, but we still need traditional planes and helicopters for long-distance travel and transportation.

So that's what an ionocraft is and how it works. Pretty neat, huh?