ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Magnetoplasmadynamic thruster

Magnetoplasmadynamic thruster is a complicated phrase, but it's just a fancy way of saying a machine that makes things go fast. But how does it work?

Imagine you have a toy boat that you want to move across a pool. You could push it with your hand, but that would be slow and boring. So, you build a tiny engine that shoots out water from the back of the boat to make it move faster.

Now, imagine you have a big spaceship that you want to move through space. You can't use water, so instead, you use a gas like hydrogen. But how can you make the hydrogen go really fast without using rockets?

This is where the Magnetoplasmadynamic thruster comes in. It uses powerful magnets to heat and accelerate the hydrogen gas, turning it into plasma (a super-hot gas with charged particles). Then, it shoots out the plasma from the back of the spaceship, just like the water from the toy boat's engine.

The magnetic field helps to control the direction of the plasma and make it go even faster than traditional rocket engines. This makes it a more efficient way to travel through space and could eventually make it possible to explore further into the universe.

So, just like your toy boat engine, the Magnetoplasmadynamic thruster shoots out something to make things go faster - only instead of water, it uses super hot gas!