ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


The ionosphere is like a shield high up in the sky that protects us from harmful space particles. It is made up of loads and loads of tiny little particles called ions.

Imagine you are playing with marbles and you spill them everywhere all over the floor. Now imagine the floor is the Earth’s atmosphere, and the marbles are ions. There are so many ions in the ionosphere that they make up a whole layer of very charged air that circles the Earth.

This layer of charged air is really important because it reflects certain types of electromagnetic waves called radio waves. Radio waves are used for things like GPS, TV and radio broadcasts and even phone calls!

Without the ionosphere, all these radio waves would be lost in space and we wouldn’t be able to watch our favourite shows or listen to music on the radio.

But the ionosphere is not always the same. It changes depending on the time of day, the season and the sun’s activity. When the sun is really active, it can make the ionosphere change so much that it can stop radio waves from passing through. This is called a solar storm and can cause problems with things like GPS navigation.

So, to sum it up, the ionosphere is like a giant marble-filled shield in the sky that protects us from space particles and reflects important radio waves that let us enjoy things like TV, music and navigation.