ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Islam in Turkey

Islam is a religion, like Christianity or Judaism, that believes in one all-powerful God. Turkey is a country that is mostly Muslim, which means that many people there practice Islam as their religion.

In Turkey, Islam has a lot of influence on their culture and way of life. For example, many people wear headscarves or long robes as a sign of their devotion to Islam. They also celebrate holidays like Ramadan, which is a month-long fast where Muslims don't eat or drink during the daylight hours.

Turkey used to be part of an Islamic empire called the Ottoman Empire, which lasted for hundreds of years. During this time, they built big and beautiful mosques, which are like churches for Muslims where people go to pray. One of the most famous mosques in Turkey is called the Blue Mosque, which has a big dome and lots of intricate designs on the walls and ceilings.

Today, Turkey is a modern and democratic country, which means that people have a lot of freedom to choose their religion or to practice it in their own way. However, Islam is still an important part of the country's identity and history.