ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Secularism in Turkey

Secularism in Turkey means that the government and the people believe that religion and the state should be separate from each other. This means that the government decisions are not influenced by religion and the people have the freedom to practice any religion they want, or not practice any religion at all. In Turkey, the constitution guarantees this separation of religion and state, and this has been a part of the country's identity since the founding of the modern republic in 1923.

For example, in Turkey, the government does not support or promote any particular religion, and religious education is optional in schools. People are free to choose their own beliefs and opinions without fear of persecution or discrimination. This is important because it allows people of different religions (such as Christians, Jews, and Muslims) to live together peacefully, without any religious conflicts.

Despite this, there are some controversies that arise from secularism in Turkey. Some religious groups believe that secularism diminishes the importance of religion in society and diminishes the influence of religious values in government decisions. Others argue that secularism has become extreme in Turkey, with some government policies that are seen as an attack on religion or religious traditions.

That said, proponents of secularism argue that it is essential for protecting individual freedoms, promoting equal rights, and preventing religious or political conflicts. They believe that secularism is necessary to build a modern, democratic, and tolerant society, and that it allows people to cultivate and express their spiritual beliefs in their own way, without fear of persecution or oppression.

In summary, secularism in Turkey means that religion and government are separate from each other, and people are free to practice their own beliefs or not practice religion at all. This is important for promoting tolerance and preventing religious and political conflicts, but can also be controversial and lead to criticism.