ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Jagir is like getting a sticker from your teacher for being a good student, except instead of a sticker, it's land, and instead of a teacher, it's a king or a ruler.

So, a long long time ago, there were kings and rulers who needed people to work on their land and protect their kingdom. In return for their hard work and loyalty, the king gave them a piece of land to live on and farm. This piece of land is called a jagir.

The people who got a jagir didn't own the land forever, they only had to work on it and protect the kingdom for a certain amount of time (usually for their whole life or their family's life). After that time, the land would go back to the king and a new person would get a jagir.

Getting a jagir was a really big deal because it meant you had a place to live and food to eat. But it also meant you had to work really hard and be loyal to the king. So, it was like a job and a home all in one!

Now, we don't have jagirs anymore because things have changed a lot since then. But, it's still an important part of history and how people used to live.