ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Japanese tea ceremony

You know how when you have friends over to play, you might have a special way of doing things to make them feel extra special? Well, in Japan, there's a type of party called a tea ceremony where friends and guests get together to drink tea together in a very special way.

First, the host of the tea ceremony will spend a lot of time preparing everything just right. They will clean the tea room really well and choose all the right things, like the perfect tea bowl and the right kind of sweets to serve. It's like getting your toys and games all set up the way you like them.

Next, the guests come in, and everyone bows to each other to show respect. The host will then serve everyone a little snack to eat before the tea. This might be a small sweet or treat that's very pretty to look at, almost like a work of art. It's kind of like how you would offer your friend a snack when they come over to play.

After everyone has had their snack, it's time for the tea! The host will add some special green tea powder to hot water and whisk it really well until it becomes frothy. Then, they will pour a little bit of the tea into each guest's bowl. The tea is served in small, simple bowls, and everyone holds the bowl with both hands to show they are grateful for the tea.

When it's time to drink the tea, everyone does it very quietly and carefully. It's not like you would gulp down lemonade on a hot day, but more like sipping a warm and comforting treat very slowly. It's also very important to show appreciation for the tea and everything that went into making it.

Overall, the Japanese tea ceremony is a special way to show kindness, hospitality, and respect for your friends and guests. It's a way to slow down and appreciate life's simple and beautiful moments together.