ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jason Lewis (adventurer)

Jason Lewis is an adventurer who travels to different places and does exciting things. He is an adult who likes to have big adventures, kind of like when you go on a fun trip to the beach or Disneyland with your family.

But Jason's adventures are much bigger and more challenging than that! He has done things like ride a bicycle all the way around the world, which means he traveled through lots of different countries and saw lots of interesting things.

He has also sailed across the ocean in a boat by himself, which can be scary and dangerous because the ocean is very big and can be rough sometimes.

And he has even walked across America, from one coast to the other, which is like walking from one side of your town to the other, but much much farther!

Jason Lewis is a very brave man who loves to explore new places and do really cool things that most people never get to do. He is kind of like your superhero and you can look up to him for inspiration to do great things too.