ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jeremiah 22

Jeremiah 22 is a chapter in the Bible that talks about a king named Jehoiakim. This king was not a very good king and he did things that were not pleasing to God. Jeremiah, who was a prophet, was sent by God to tell the king that he needed to change his ways and do the right things.

Jeremiah used a couple of different examples to help the king understand what he was talking about. One of the things he said was that the king needed to make sure that he was taking care of the poor people in his kingdom. He needed to make sure that they had enough food and that they were not being mistreated. If he did not do this, then he would be punished by God.

Another thing that Jeremiah told the king was that he needed to be honest and fair in his dealings with people. He needed to make sure that he was not taking advantage of anyone and that he was treating everyone equally. If he did not do this, then he would be punished by God.

Overall, Jeremiah 22 is a chapter in the Bible that talks about a king who was not doing the right things and needed to change his ways. Jeremiah was sent by God to help him understand what he needed to do and to warn him of the consequences if he did not do it.