ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jesus and messianic prophecy

Okay kiddo, so there was a man named Jesus a long time ago who lots of people think was really special. They think he was special because he did really good things like helping sick people feel better and teaching other people to be kind and love each other.

Some people also believe that Jesus was the "messiah" which means the person who was promised by God to come and save the world. This belief comes from something called "messianic prophecy" which is like a big puzzle made up of lots of different parts.

So a long time ago, people wrote stories and songs and poems that talked about a special person who would come to save them. They called this person the messiah, and they wrote down ideas and clues about what this person would be like. Some of these ideas were that the messiah would come from the family of King David, and that he would do miraculous things like heal the sick and bring peace to the world.

People who think Jesus is the messiah believe that he fit all of these descriptions, so they think that he was the one that was promised a long time ago.

So that's the basic idea. Jesus was a really special person and some people believe that he was the messiah that was promised by God a long time ago.