ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

John Chilembwe

John Chilembwe was a man who lived a long time ago in a place called Malawi. He was a very brave man who wanted to help his people, who were being treated unfairly by other people who had more power than them. Specifically, John was upset about how the British people who were living in Malawi were treating the local people poorly.

So, John decided to do something about it. He organized other people who felt the same way he did, and they formed a group to fight against the British people and try to make things better for their own people. John was a leader of this group, and he even went on a big mission to try to attack a British place where they were keeping guns.

Sadly, the British people were very powerful and they were able to stop John and his group. John was killed in the fighting, but he became a hero to many people who admired his bravery and his desire to help his people. Even today, people remember John Chilembwe as an important figure in the history of Malawi and a symbol of the fight against injustice.