ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Johnson Amendment

The Johnson Amendment is a rule that says tax-exempt organizations like churches, charities, and some schools cannot endorse or oppose political candidates. It was named after President Lyndon B. Johnson, who introduced this rule in 1954 when he was a senator.

To explain this rule in simpler terms, imagine you and your friends are playing a game. You are all wearing different colored shirts, and you have to pick a color that you think will win. You tell everyone that they have to pick the same color as you, or else they can't be friends with you anymore.

This is like what some people want churches and other organizations to do when it comes to politics. They want these groups to tell their members who to vote for, and if you don't vote for that person, they won't accept you anymore. But the Johnson Amendment says that these organizations can't do that. They have to stay neutral when it comes to politics.

This is because tax-exempt organizations get special benefits from the government, like not having to pay taxes on the money they make. So, the government doesn't want them to use that money to try and influence people's votes.

Overall, the Johnson Amendment is an important rule to make sure that everyone can make their own decisions when it comes to voting, without feeling pressure from certain groups or organizations.