ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Separation of church and state in the United States

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes people believe in different things, like some people believe in God and some don't? Well, in the United States, we have something called "separation of church and state" which means that the government can't force you to believe in any particular religion, and can't stop you from believing in whatever you want.

See, when our country was being made, some of the people who helped write our laws wanted to make sure that nobody's beliefs would be more important than anyone else's. They thought that everybody should be able to believe what they want without the government trying to make them change their minds. That's why we have a rule that says the government can't make any rules based on any one religion.

So, for example, let's say that a group of people in your town believe in one religion, and they want to put up a big statue of their religious hero in the town square. Well, because of separation of church and state, the government can't say "yes" to that just because it's only one religion. They would have to say that everyone has to have an equal chance to put up something in the town square, whether they believe in that religion or not.

This way, the government gives everybody the same chance to believe whatever they want, and nobody has to worry about being forced to believe in something they don't want to. Pretty cool, huh?