ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jurisdiction (area)

Jurisdiction is like the space where the rules apply. Just like how your bedroom has your own rules and your sibling's bedroom has their own rules, different spaces have different rules applied to them.

Now, let's pretend that you are in a school. Inside the school, there are specific rules that apply to everyone. The principal is in charge of making sure everyone follows these rules, and they have the authority to give punishments when someone breaks them. The principal's power is called "jurisdiction."

But, let's say you leave the school and go to the park. The park has different rules, and the principal doesn't have the power to enforce these rules since they are not in their jurisdiction. Instead, the police have the authority to enforce the rules in the park because it's their jurisdiction.

So, when you are talking about jurisdiction, you're talking about the area where a particular person or group of people have the power to enforce the rules. It's like a big game of "Simon says," where different people can say "Simon says" but only in certain areas.