ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Kame is a type of martial arts move that is used in the Japanese fighting style of Karate. It is a technique that involves using both hands to perform a low to the ground, sweeping motion that can knock an opponent off their feet.

Imagine that you're playing a game of tag with your friends, but one of your friends is really good at dodging your tag attempts. To catch them, you might try to quickly sweep your arms in front of you to knock them off balance and tag them before they can recover. That's kind of like what kame is! It's a way to quickly knock your opponent off balance so you can gain an advantage in the fight.

But just like with any game or activity, it's important to use kame safely and properly. You should always practice with a trained teacher or coach, and make sure you're wearing the proper protective gear so you don't accidentally hurt yourself or someone else.
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