ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

King David

King David was a man who lived a long time ago, like in a big big story book. He lived in a place called Israel, where people follow a God called Yahweh. David was born into a family of shepherds and grew up tending to sheep.

One day, a prophet named Samuel came to David and said that God had chosen him to be the king of Israel! David was very surprised and didn't expect this at all. He was just a regular guy, after all. But he trusted in God, so he said yes to becoming king.

Once David became king, he had many adventures and battles. He led his army against enemies and won many great victories. He also wrote many songs and poems to God, which are now in a book called the Book of Psalms.

David was a good king, but he made some mistakes too. One time, he fell in love with a woman named Bathsheba who was already married to someone else. David ended up making a big mistake by having Bathsheba's husband killed so that he could be with her. This was very wrong and made God very unhappy.

But even with his mistakes, David always trusted in God and asked for forgiveness. He learned from his mistakes and tried to be a better king and person.

Overall, David is remembered as a great king and an important figure in the history of Israel. He was a brave warrior, a talented poet, and a faithful servant of God.