ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kola Superdeep Borehole

So, imagine a really big straw that goes all the way down into the ground, sort of like a hole that's so deep it's like you're digging to the center of the Earth! That's what the Kola Superdeep Borehole is.

Some very smart folks made this giant straw so they can learn more about what's deep down underground. They wanted to know what the Earth was made of and how it works.

So, they started digging this super deep hole. They started in the 1970s and they kept going and going for years and years until they made the hole almost 7.5 miles deep, which is really, really far down! That's like digging a hole that's as deep as about 1,200 of your school buses stacked on top of each other.

As they dug deeper, the ground got hotter and hotter, and it was really hard for the workers to keep digging because things were so hot! But they kept going until they reached their goal.

Even though it was super hard to make this hole, it was worth it because scientists could finally learn things about the Earth's crust and mantle that they could never have learned without the Kola Superdeep Borehole. Now they know more about the planet we live on and can use that knowledge to do even more cool stuff in the future.