ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kontos (weapon)

Okay kiddo, have you heard of a big stick called a polearm? Well, a kontos is a special kind of polearm that was used by very brave and strong soldiers called hoplites in ancient Greece.

Now, imagine a really long stick that is almost as tall as a grown-up. That's what a kontos is like! It's made out of strong wood and has a sharp metal blade at the end. It looks a little bit like a spear, but it's much longer and thicker.

The hoplites used the kontos to fight other soldiers who were coming towards them. It was very important to keep the enemy at a distance - the longer the kontos, the further away the enemy had to stay! The hoplites would stand close together in rows, making it difficult for enemies to get through.

When the time came to fight, the hoplites would all charge forward together, holding their kontos out in front of them. It must have been quite a sight to see an army of hoplites charging towards you, with their kontos pointing straight at you!

So there you have it, kid! A kontos is a really long stick with a sharp blade at the end. It was used by brave soldiers in ancient Greece to keep their enemies away and to charge forward in battle.
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