ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Land navigation

Land navigation is how you figure out where you are and how to get to where you want to go when you're outside, without using things like Google Maps or Siri. It involves using a map and a compass.

A map is like a big piece of paper with lots of pictures on it. It shows an area in detail and gives you an idea of what direction things are in. It can show you things like mountains, rivers, roads, and landmarks like buildings and trees.

A compass helps you figure out what direction you're facing. It has a little arrow that always points north. You can use it to figure out which way you need to go by comparing the direction you want to go with the direction of the arrow.

When you're using land navigation to find your way, you start by figuring out where you are on the map. You can do this by looking for things around you like mountains, buildings, or rivers and comparing them to what you see on the map.

Then, you use your compass to figure out which way to go to get to your destination. Maybe you want to go to a certain lake or a mountain on the other side of the woods. You can use the compass to help you figure out which direction to head in and follow it.

It's important to remember to keep track of where you are and where you're going so you don't get lost. You can use landmarks on the map and around you for reference points. It's also important to keep your map and compass dry and safe so they don't get damaged.

Using land navigation can be fun and challenging, and it's great for exploring new places and discovering hidden treasures!
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