ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Land snail

A land snail is a tiny creature that lives on land and has a shell on its back to keep it safe. The shell is kind of like a little house that the snail carries around with it everywhere it goes.

These snails like to eat leaves, flowers, and even veggies like carrots and lettuce. They have a really strong muscle called a foot that they use to crawl around on the ground. They also have eyes that are on long stalks, almost like a telescope, so they can see all around them.

Land snails love to move slowly and explore their surroundings. They sometimes make a slimy trail behind them that helps them move smoothly over the ground. These little creatures have a very important job in the ecosystem because they help to break down dead leaves and plants, which helps new plants grow!

So if you ever see a little snail with a shell on its back, remember that it's a land snail who loves to explore and eat yummy plants!