ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sea slug

A sea slug is a type of animal that lives in the ocean. It's called a slug because it doesn't have a shell like a snail. Sea slugs come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Some are small and look like tiny worms, while others are larger, up to a foot long, and have intricate patterns on their skin.

Sea slugs are part of the group of animals called mollusks, which means they are related to snails, octopuses, and oysters. They breathe through their skin and are able to absorb oxygen from the water around them.

Sea slugs are also known as "nudibranchs", which means "naked gills". This is because they have a series of frilly projections on their backs that help them breathe. These projections can be brightly colored and used for defense or camouflage.

Some sea slugs are herbivores, meaning they eat algae and seaweed. Others are carnivores and feed on other small ocean creatures such as jellyfish, anemones, and sponges.

Sea slugs are pretty amazing because some of them have unique abilities. For example, some sea slugs can steal the stinging cells of the creatures they eat and use them for their own defense. Others are able to use their brightly colored skin to mimic toxic animals, discouraging predators from attacking them.

So, in summary, sea slugs are fascinating creatures that come in many shapes and sizes. They breathe through their skin, can be herbivores or carnivores, and some even have special abilities for protection.