ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so imagine you have a house with your family in it. Now imagine there are little gods that live in your house too, and they help keep your family safe and happy. These little gods are called "lares." They are like little guardians or protectors of your home.

The ancient Romans believed in these lares and they would have shrines or special places in their homes where they would honor and leave offerings for them. These offerings could be things like food, drink, or even little statues of the lares themselves.

People would also ask for the lares' help and protection when they were traveling or doing important things like getting married or starting a new job. The lares were seen as very important to daily life and keeping the family happy and safe.

So, think of the lares as your own personal little helpers who live in your house and watch over you and your family. They are kind of like magical guardians that you can leave little presents for to show that you appreciate all that they do for you.