ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Largest artificial non-nuclear explosions

Okay kiddo, sometimes people make big explosions on purpose! These are called "artificial" explosions. The biggest ones that we know about were made by humans using things like explosives or bombs. And when we say "non-nuclear", that means they weren't made using nuclear weapons (which are a whole other level of big).

One example of a really big artificial explosion happened in Russia in 1917. Some bad guys tried to blow up a building that was important for the government. They used a whole bunch of explosives and it made a huge BOOM! But no one knows for sure how big the explosion really was because they didn't have good ways to measure it back then.

Another example happened in Texas in 1947. Some people were moving a bunch of fertilizer (which is used to help plants grow) when it accidentally caught on fire. The fire made the fertilizer explode and it blew up a whole town! It was called the Texas City disaster and it was very very bad.

So, those are just a couple of examples of the biggest non-nuclear artificial explosions we know about. They can be very dangerous and cause a lot of damage, which is why it's important to be careful with things that could explode.