ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Latent semantic indexing

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) is a way computers understand words by looking at the context they appear in. Imagine you have a basket full of toys, and each toy is a word. You pick up one toy and try to figure out what it means by looking at the other toys in the basket. If you see a car, a road, and some traffic signs, you can guess the toy you're holding is related to driving, like a toy car. That's what LSI does when it reads a website or a long article. It looks at all the words and tries to figure out what they mean by looking at how often they show up together, and in what context. This way, it can understand the main topics of the text, even if it doesn't know every single word. It's like a super-smart basket that can help a computer understand the meaning of words without having to learn them all one by one.