Okay kiddo, "Latinx" is a word that some people use to talk about folks who have origins or ancestry from Latin America. "Latinx" is similar to the words "Latino" and "Latina," but it's a little different.
"Latino" means someone who comes from Latin America, and sometimes it's used to refer to men. "Latina" is the same, but it's used for women. But some people don't like using these words because they think they leave out people who don't identify as male or female.
That's where "Latinx" comes in. It's supposed to be a more inclusive word that can refer to any person from Latin America, regardless of their gender identity. So instead of saying "Latino" for a man or "Latina" for a woman, people can say "Latinx" to be more inclusive to everyone.
Some people really like using "Latinx" because it feels more modern and inclusive. But other people don't like it, because it's a very new word and not everyone knows what it means yet. So people are still trying to figure out how best to use this word and if they should use it at all.