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Legends of Tallinn

Legends of Tallinn are stories that have been passed down from generation to generation in the city of Tallinn, which is the capital of Estonia. These stories are usually about mythical creatures or extraordinary events that took place in the past. They are called "legends" because they may or may not be true, but they are still interesting to hear and learn about.

One of the most famous legends of Tallinn is about Old Thomas, who is the guardian of the city. Old Thomas is a statue of a man with a long coat and a sword, and he stands on top of the Tallinn Town Hall. The legend says that Old Thomas was once a real person who saved the city from invaders. He was rewarded for his bravery by being turned into a statue, and now he keeps watch over the city.

Another legend is about a creature called the Taani Koer, which means "Danish Dog". This creature is said to be a large black dog with glowing red eyes that guards the gates of the city at night. It is said that if you see the Taani Koer, you must run away because it is a sign of impending danger.

There are many other legends of Tallinn, such as the story of the Maiden's Tower, which is a tower that was built by a young woman who wanted to protect her city from invaders. There is also the legend of the Devil's Wedding, which tells the story of a girl who made a deal with the devil and ended up marrying him.

Overall, legends of Tallinn are fascinating stories that help us understand the history and culture of Estonia's capital city. Even if they are not true, they still provide us with an insight into the imagination and creativity of the people who have lived in Tallinn for centuries.